
Scout Dog Questionnaire

Please review the Scout Dog Roster and then help us fill in the missing information about our faithful K-9 Friends by completing this Scout Dog Questionnaire. If you can provide information about more than one dog please complete a separate questionnaire for each dog.

Your Name:

Your E-mail address:

What unit(s) did you serve with:

Dog's name for which you can provide information:

Dog's Tatoo number:

Unit(s) you know the dog served with:

Handler(s) assigned to the dog:

What happened to the dog (final disposition):

OTHER COMMENTS: Please add any other comments about the dog that would help us identify the dog or record his/her experience in Viet Nam. Please include a physical description such as size, weight, coloring, temperament, special tricks he/she knew or ways of behaving. If you know of a particular experience or notable event the dog had, please record it here:

May we contact you if we have further questions?
No, not at this time

Thanks for your contribution to Army Scout Dog history!

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