Fellow Platoon Members:
Beaumont Reunion:
A few words about Beaumont. As you know we have been planning for this reunion for many months. We worked hard to put on an affair that would be interesting and fun for all. There were some last minute emergencies which could not have been foreseen causing us to lose at least 6 participants. 11 platoon members and 19 in all attended including Rusty Allen who brought Karla, Kayla, Ruth, and Jason, Ronald Bullock, Ronald Cooper, Jonathan Harraden, Bertram Hubble with Espie, Daryl Hubble with Naty, Dick Leonard with Lucille, Joe McMahon, Bill Sawyer, Steve Flikke with wife, and Randy Kimler with Judy. . For those who did attend, I believe that everyone had a good time and found it to be enjoyable and a good experience. Those who were not able to attend were missed.
Dixie Whitman and Ann Wilkerson put together their famous Dixie-Ann GI survival kit for each of us that contained many nice things including a t-shirt, thank you letters, wind chimes, Avon Products, chocolate, cookies, and other nice gifts. It was especially thoughtful in light of the fact that she managed to arrange this for us while she was busy preparing for the Fort Benning Dedication.
Upon our arrival we were greeted with the following fax message:
Dear Members of the 47th and 59th IPSDDixie and Ann have our sincere thanks and appreciation for their thoughtfulness and support.We just wanted to take a moment of your time and let you know that both Annie and I wish we could have been there in Beaumont with you. As luck would have it, the reunion at Ft Benning coincided with your event and we had to be here with Jesse doing the pedestal dedication. Our thoughts are with you and I know that you'll also be thinking of your friends that are here, in Georgia, this weekend, to honor the KIA dogs.
We thank you so much for the opportunity to share some of your last reunion in Columbus. Getting to meet each of you was such an honor and working with Bert and Jonathan Wahl on a daily basis was truly a joy. The memories of that event will stay with us for a lifetime. I hope each of you retains something of the very special nature of that Columbus reunion because I truly think it was orchestrated from higher up.
So, even though you can't see us, envision Annie and I waving a hello in your direction. We hope our paths will cross again some day.
We love you guys,
Godspeed,Ann Wilkerson and Dixie Whitman
We had time to run around the area a bit and take in the sights and relax with our friends. We ate Cajun alligator, ventured into Louisiana and took a trip out on the swamps and visited many local sights of interest. I really enjoyed the bus trip to the McFadden-Ward House Museum, the Mildred (Babe) Didrikson Zaharias Museum, the 5 Spindle Top Museum, Veterans Memorial Park and the Museum of the Gulf Coast. The bus trip was a great way to take in a lot in a short time.
The dinner banquet went off well and the food was good and plentiful. Rusty read some comments from Toni on her book and he remembered those platoon members who have passed on. Bottom line, it was a successful reunion for all those who were able to attend.
In early June Franklyn Harrison of the 59th Scout Dog platoon went back to Indiana for a reunion with a veterans organization he belongs to. They are a group who have remained in touch for twenty years. I believe they do some charity work and enjoy staying in touch. Sounds like a nice group.
Platoon Members:
We have located and had contact with two more former platoon members as follows: Craig Valashek of the 59th Scout Dog Platoon has been located and added to our contact list. Craig may be reached at craig_valashek@txwpt.uscourts.gov. Welcome home Craig. Michael L. Hames of the 47th Scout Dog Platoon has found us through the web site. Mike can be reached on-line at mhames@totalaccess.net. Welcome Home Mike.
With the finding of Michael Hames we can say that at long last we have located and/or accounted for every single person from the Original Vietnam Era Platoon (28 in all) who departed Lawson Field on May 27th 1968 in route to the Republic of Vietnam. What an accomplishment and journey this has been. Of course there are still many platoon members that followed that have not been identified or accounted for yet. Then there are those who have chosen not to remain in touch for their own reasons.
Rusty has changed his e-mail address which is now: 47ipsd@sabinenet.com. I have trouble keeping up with the e-mail changes and with those who want to still stay in touch with us. Recently I have had mail returned from Tommy Prisoc, Dan Tupper, Tom Masch, and James Bradshaw. If you have had contact with these folks, let me know.
Jose Rodriguez seems to me making good progress and we wish him the best for a successful recovery.
It must be abundantly clear by now that our president and his administration are guilty of international crimes of the highest order at the same time that he is destroying our country from the inside. The enemy is within. The extent and motives for these crimes will become apparent – in time. He does not represent most Americans who believe in the truth, freedom and justice for all.
Take care of yourselves,
Author: Bertram M. Hubble Editor/Publisher: Jonathan D. Wahl http://www.47ipsd.us © 2004 Bertram M. Hubble