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47th IPSD 2002 Reunion Album

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Beetle Bailey
Beetle Bailey © King Features Syndicate, Inc.

2002 Reunion Original 47th

Original 47th Platoon Members
War Dog Pedestal Dedication
Ft. Benning, GA, 11 May 2002

(left to right) Dick Leonard, Jonathan Wahl, Joe McMahon, Rusty Allen, Otis Johnson, Jonathan Harraden, Daryl Hubble, Stan Stockdale, Larry Proper, Gene Wright, Jimmy Powrzanas, John Carter, Bert Hubble, Gary Mengel

2002 Reunion 47th Members

Attending 47th Platoon Members
War Dog Pedestal Dedication
Ft. Benning, GA, 11 May 2002

(left to right, standing) Bruce Carroll, Joe White, Steve Lemish, Frank Steinhebel (hidden), Dan Tupper, Robert Rhea, Oits Johnson, Rusty Allen, Zoltan Mestrits, Doug McCoy, Bill Sawyer, Harley Dennis, Allen Matthews, Ron Bullock, Michael Yalango, Jim Adams, Gary Mengel, hidden, Gene Wright, John Pinezaddleby, Daryl Hubble, Bert Hubble
(left to right, kneeling or leaning) Rich Leonard, Jonathan Harraden, Jonathan Wahl, Joe McMahon, John Carter, Stan Stockdale, Sonny Miller, Larry Proper, Jim Powrzanas, Ken Hudson, Don Jestes
(attending, not pictured) Donnie Jones, Ed Reeves

US Army Color Guard

US Army Color Guard

Pedestal Dedication keynoter Stockdale

Stan Stockdale delivers keynote address

Pedestal Dedication Medal of Honor

Dedication of Robert W. Hartsock Medal of Honor pedestal
Kenneth (father, left) and Fred (brother, right), Jonathan Harraden (assisting)

Ms. Zika and escort J. Harraden

WW II Widow Ms. B. Zika escorted by Jonathan Harraden
(Ken Goss at the podium, background)

Bert and Daryl Hubble

Bert and Daryl Hubble
after laying leash in front of inverted M-16 rifle

Col. Vona Pedestal Acceptance

Ft. Benning Chief of Staff Col. Lonnie Dale Vona
Accepting Pedestals on behalf of Maj. General Eaton and Fort Benning

Handlers view newly dedicated pedestals

Handlers view newly dedicated pedestals


47th's Sonny Miller

Handlers view  pedestals

More Pedestal viewing

War Dog Memorial rendering

War Dog Memorial rendering
sculpture by A. Thomas Schomberg
photo by Ann Wilkerson
digital rendering by Jonathan Wahl

benning bus tour

Nostalgic Bus Tour of Fort Benning

Reunion dinner table

Table group at Columbus Hilton dinner
(left to right) Daryl and Natie Hubble, Lucille and Dick Leonard, Stan Stockdale, Jonathan Harraden, Belinda Shutz, Espie and Bert Hubble

Rusty Allen, Jesse Mendez and family

Rusty Allen, Jesse Mendez and Family

Otis Johnson and Bert Hubble

Otis Johnson and Bert Hubble

47th Scout Dog sign

47th Scout Dog wall sign

banquet raffle table

Banquet Raffle Table
Assembled by Dixie Whitman and Ann Wilkerson

This page last updated 05/02/2018 15:39:42

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